2 million hits and counting
This was a post from Apr 15, 2009
So many interested people, so long ago...
I somehow missed this little fact, as I have been very busy over the last while.
This blog, for better or worse, has had more than 2 million visits. (Somewhat more than that, because I did not start the counter for a month or two after starting the blog)
Many have come, looked for one second, and disappeared into the ether. .
Others have come, enjoyed what they read and seen, and become friends.
Your feedback, whether positive or negative, has helped keep me interested in creating this blog.
Your feedback about your lifestyle (everyone's is different) helps enhance and affirm a version of the lifestyle. I try to make this blog such that you can imagine yourself as either the spanker or the spankee, no matter what gender you are, and no matter what gender the other participant is. My typing is not great, and thus it takes time to compose each posting.
I am extremely happy that readers whose first language is not English, or who are not simply fluent and comfortable in writing in English, choose to share their experiences.
We are so fortunate to live in a society where we make the laws, not laws simply passed down from whatever God eons ago. Romans used to like to declare themselves gods, as did kings of many lands.
We are extremely lucky to have the INTERNET, such that we can reach out and find other people with similar ideas as ours, and thus affirm that we are not totally irrational. (well, maybe you are sane, but I am not so certain of myself some days :-)
I am extremely fortunate to have a spell checker, to correct my errors mostly caused by mistakes in typing.
May you frequent this blog whenever you like,
may you live long and prosper (Spock),
may you have a sense of humor to get through the day,
may good fortune come your way and stay with you forever...
bottoms up
you are a treasure... thank you for your devotion to this blog....
Sara & Hank
Congrats to you, Mike! You are indeed a charm and your presence and contribution here in our spanko corner of cyberia has expanded exponentially outward, reaching and touching and drawing others to you! You're very special!
Big hugs!
What I admire in you is that you don't judge other people because of their choice in kinky behavior. I've once tried to convince a person that F/m spankings could be as important and benificial for the people involved as in the opposite situation. (Without success)
Keep up the good work for years and years to come.
Hugs, Danielle
And I wish you had a spell check on your comments too.
great job mike keep up the great work, always look forword to see what you have new. bruce
Mike - congratulations on 2 Gigs of hits. That's awesome. You provide a very worthwhile service here on your blog.
thanks to everyone for their kind words...
A very belated comment from a lurker -- is it just me or does anyone else fancy that Mike could keep another counter for hits from Lynn? Let us know when that reaches 2 million...
Anonymous - that's a great idea! I suspect it wouldn't take very long at all! VBG
Anon: I will let you do the math. Look back at the blog, and record how many times I have stated I have been spanked. Then say on average 30 spanks, because some are short, and some are extremely long. Do the multiplication, and we might all have a good guess estimate.
Hermione: you are probably right
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