All spanking must be safe, sane, and consensual. My blog relates to keeping the Loving and sexual aspect of your relationship alive and well. No one model fits all couples. We play to keep the spice in life for fantastic sex. We have been married over 45 years.If you have other suggestions, do let me know! I am always looking to better our lifestyle! Don't let the only use of fuck you be a bitter statement.. let it be an alluring proposal! Adults only... WE DO NOT AGREE WITH SPANKING CHILDREN
I doubt whether many women administer a bare bottom spanking in public. However, quite a few women are in the habit of giving their partner a few firm smacks fully clothed when they are annoyed with him. I have seen this happen once or twice and my girlfriend has done with me several times. She has no problem when other people see it, in fact she seems to delight in it!
rgds richard.
I'm not spanked in public, the spankings are done at home, in private.
It is the drive home, the scolding, told to either undress or bare from the waist down. Always over her lap, always the hairbrush and depending how mad, determines how long. Only once did we return to the store, the next day, I said I was sorry for my actions, it was an older woman, she accepted. I had to tell her I was spanked that day, she smiled, naughty boys no matter the age should be spanked, my wife said he is. We left and I did not return to that store for over a month.
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