Monday, May 07, 2018

reaching out to other couples..

I received this letter this week, and thought I would use it immediately. It is very similar to many couples, as they take tentative slow, but safe steps, into meeting other couples who share a similar DWC lifestyle. I have added a comment into the letter in RED.
************* Norman Wrote:
This is my personal email address. Given the nature of our lifestyles and the caution I see advised to others on your blog, I feel I can trust you to use it with the needed discretion. " MIKE states emphatically":This is FOOLISH. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW your real name and email address. Please create another email address, and then send all email through it... for YOUR safety.

Norman continues:
We are both in our forties and have been married over 20 years. My wife is in a management position at a software company, and I am in the automotive industry. We are both reasonably fit with children still at home.

We have been experimenting with spanking for much of our married life, but only for the last 5 years or so been practicing a dwc lifestyle.

  • Weekly maintenance sessions occur each weekend. These are usually fairly firm reminders of what is expected in our relationship and household.
  • At least once a month disrespect, or accumulated negligence, turns one of these sessions into a harsher (and more memorable) disciplinary session.
  • More extreme disrespect is dealt with the day it happens, most often with a cane.

We are an extremely happy couple, passionately in love and both feeling blessed to be with the other. Thanks to this aspect of our life, it is difficult to even remember the last time we had any kind of major fight. .Our relationship is based around acceptance and mutual respect.

Our yearning to connect with others stems from a recent trip to NYC where we worked up the courage to visit "Paddles". This was the first time (other than once renting a "bed and dungeon" for a night) that we took our relationship outside of our home. We both found the opportunity to be open and speak with others about our dwc relationship to be extremely liberating and rewarding.

Thus we would welcome a venue to meet with others in our area. And as I stated earlier, the only groups we have been able to get leads on in our region are more bdsm focused.
The group you mentioned privately would definitely be of interest to us....can you define a bit more of their activities or mission statement?
You are welcome to use our story on your blog, but I would ask to view what you are posting prior to you posting it please.

You can call us Norman and Beth.
Norman and Beth: I did not send back the information before publishing. That would be a large amount of extra work. What I have done is removed or altered any information that would identify you, as your jobs have suddenly changed. No need to ever say to anyone what fields you both work in, until you are talking privately.

One recommendation that I make to everyone, is to comment on the blog about what you read, and also about spankings that you have recently been given. This benefits the blog, because as more people add the same type of spanking activities, more and more people can become comfortable with spanking.

If you create a fictitious blogger account, then you can give a little more detail about yourselves, and a email address attached to the blogger account (it is necessary) would then allow others to reach out to you. BE CAREFUL! What someone states in emails, and what is reality in their life, can be totally different.

Our Experience: Before meeting James and Laurie, we communicated by email for quite some time, and joined a group they were in... Thus, we got to know a lot more about them, prior to ever deciding to meet.

Thus Beth and Norman: I will forward this to our friends, and as they see entries from you on the blog, they may contact you to join this small select group.
BUT, there are groups everywhere, and reaching out, is always good. Traveling allows for more anonymity, but with small children, that is very difficult. Good luck to you both. If other couples want to try writing to me, I can see what I can do to help, but I am not that 'with it' in terms of groups.

thanks for writing, and I hope I will have helped a little. I hope Beth knows about your writing, prior to your writing. If she didn't, then I hope she gives you the hottest bottom roasting in a long time for having exposed your real email to someone you know nothing about! [even if the end result is positive]

bottoms up


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike for the help and the sound advice. Funny you should publish our letter tonight as today was our weekly spanking day. Plenty of traffic around our house with the long weekend, so I found myself in the back of a rather large old car we have parked out in the "back forty", with my jeans down across Beth's knees as she applied her paddle where it does the most good.

I could not agree more with taking it slow looking for others. I read this blog for over a year before even thinking about contacting you.

Thanks again, from Beth's recently spanked norman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike for bringing us all these different points of view. Three swats for you !

Danielle said...

You, I and others know this but there are people around who have to make a start and learn to enjoy the benifits of a hot bottom.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
It's been awhile since I've written. It's 1045 here in the US. I just got one of my more severe spankings. I'm still sniveling a bit. Actually it was the intensity that was so different. The wife was PISSED!!! I got 50 licks with the razor strop across the bed.. bare bottomed of course. I received many more than 50 in the past but these were slow, deliberate and very intense. I broke down by the 4th lick. She accused me of flirting at a party we were at tonight.... in truth I was flirting a bit.. but I viewed it as "innocent".. I would NEVER cheat on my wife. IN any event... I'm banished to my den for tonight and all day tomorrow (tomorrow, monday is a holiday here.."labor day") She shoved a bar of soap in my mouth and threatened me with figging. I hate the soap but can tolerate it.. the figging is miserable.. not sure if your familiar with it.. but it was a victorian punishment involving inserting a raw LARGE garlic finger in the anus so that everytime the punished one clenches the buttocks it burns like fire.. so the choice is between intense pain outside or not clenching and intensifying the pain to the buttocks.. I've had it done a few times before and it's MISERABLE... sometimes I can't help clenching and then the inside of my bottom is on fire... I encourage you to google it.. I think it's original use was for horses to make them keep their tails up.... later it became a frequent addition to punishment. It may well be more common there than here.. but as I said.. I've had it done to me.. and it BURNS.. I'm a bit older than you Mike and perhaps more sensitive.. but after 30 + years of being spanked by the wife.. I am a humble and frequently humiliated hubby.

dwcmike said...

Norm: making use of the car is a very tried and true method. A pleasure to post your story, and hope Beth will add comments whenever she chooses.

Sara: glad to help the concept... but do I really need more women advising Lynn to spank me. :-)

Danielle: So many benefits arise from dealing with a problem, solving it, pointing the couple in the loving direction, and then totally forgetting about it. We totally agree.

JASON; A spanking when the woman is mad, and when she is reasonably happy, are two totally different experiences. Sort of teaches you not to make her too mad.
thanks for the description.

Anonymous said...

Mike... How right you are!... what a miserable holiday I had monday being essentially "grounded" to the den... but atleast I avoided the "figging"... got another 50 licks on Monday but that was no surprise.. she was REALLY angry... I suppose I'm a bit flattered that she would be so angry over some innocent flirting.... her anger combineed with her punishment truthfully makes me feel wanted, needed and safe in our lives together... that's the bottom line (pardon the pun) to these relationships as far as I'm concerened!

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, referring back to the original post about dwc couples getting together with other like-minded folks...

It's not as easy as you might think to find the folks who approach it in a similar fashion to the way you do - a spanking lifestyle is about as different as the number of couples who practice it! My husband is painfully shy about anyone knowing he is spanked, so it's darn near impossible to get him to agree to any public setting, even just meeting with one couple for drinks! We did have the great pleasure of meeting Aunt Kay of the DWC and her husband on a few occasions, and that was quite memorable for all concerned. :>)

There are larger venues like Shadow Lane here in Las Vegas, which is a great time for all...but I don't go because there is one person I met at a munch here in town who is into the scene who got a little too close to harassment for my comfort. I do know of some regional groups though, who get together for spanking occasions and have a wonderful time reddening each other's bottoms. More power to those lucky folks!

Through chats and e-groups over the years, we have been contacted by lots of people who'd like to meet, and I have met up with some of them (couples only, no single guys) - mostly very delightful. I wish you good luck in finding someone to share your experiences with.


dwcmike said...

Jason: c'est la vie.
hisboss:some regional groups exist throughout probably most countries.
keep reading this blog for a little more information about one such group.

Anonymous said...

Looks a lot like a very old

Tomy Nash said...

This is Jerry, husband of recently departed Aunt Kay.

I do remember meetings with HisBoss couple. Lovely people.

Tomy Nash said...

Trying to send regards to Hisboss. I recall those meetngs fondly

Anonymous said...

Your post certainly brought back some memories Mike.
I sent you those words back when Beth and I were taking our first steps into meeting with other couples. Since those early days, we have been blessed with the opportunity to meet many like-minded folks and have made life-long friendships with numerous other genuine DWC couples…several of whom have become close friends with our entire family.
Of course, we have also struggled with a few negative characters along the route, but that is the nature of humanity that one would expect in any forum from spanking to Sunday service at the corner church. People (sigh) will always be people. Those are stories for another day. Lol.
A decade or so later, I would definitely recommend that any couple interested in getting involved with others to pursue their quests. The kinship and honesty developed by being in friendships where you can truly be 100% yourself far outweigh any negative aspect of diving into the greater spanking community.
Site looks great. Keep it real.